We are a well established dentist in Hythe that offers an extensive range of treatments in the main areas of dentistry. We also provide emergency dentistry for our patients.
Practice telephone: 01303 266657
NHS DentaLine Emergency Clinic: 01634 890300
To find out more and ask about making an appointment, call 01634 890300 at the times shown below:
Monday to Friday
6.00pm -11.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
8.30am - 1.30pm and 6.00pm - 11.00 pm
DentaLine is an out-of-hours emergency dental service and is only for dental emergencies and urgent symptoms during evenings, weekends or bank holidays.
The treatment DentaLine provides is temporary in nature and NHS charges apply. Clinics are strictly by appointment only.
DentaLine treats patients who are:
Daytime appointments: If you need to see a dentist urgently during the day and we are not open, contact NHS 111.
Complaints procedure
We pride ourselves on the high quality of care we provide our patients. Our aim is to look after you as we wish to be looked after ourselves.
However, if you have any concerns or comments regarding your dental care, we will address these as a matter of priority. Please click through to find out more about our procedure.